How to Create Educational, Online Course, LMS Website with WordPress eduma Theme

Hello friends, in this article teaches you how to create a professional and beautiful LMS website that is a learning Management system website with WordPress. Now for the design, features, and functionalities of this website, I have taken inspiration from the top LMS websites in the world like Udemy and Skillshare. This website has all the features that a professional learning management system website must have. Now let me tell you about some of the course’s features. First of all, you can create courses and in that courses, you can create different types of lectures like audio lectures, video lectures, podcasts, etc.

You can also create different types of quizzes like true or false, fill in the blanks, single choice or multiple choice, etc. You can also create certificates for students which will automatically generate their name when they complete the course. And because this website is based on Elementor, creating this website is super easy and the design of the website is also amazing. Now in this article, we’ll also add the functionality of instructors which means that if someone wants to teach on your website and if they want to create their course on your website, they can do that. And not only that, whenever there is a sale of the course that they have created on your website, on every such sale you will get commissions, any amount of commission that you can set.

So basically if you want, only you can create courses or you can even allow others to create courses on your website. We’ll also make sure that this website is 100% user and mobile, friendly, fast, safe and secure, and beautiful in terms of design. Now before we proceed further, before we start creating this website, let me first show you a quick demo of the same website that we’ll be creating in this article. Now, first of all, this is the homepage and as I said earlier, to create this website we will be using Elementor. So creating this website, this entire website including this homepage and other pages is super simple.

Now if you see this page, on top of this page you will see this top header. So in the top header, you can have some text, you can have some numbers, anything like that. So what I’ve done is I have given my customer care number and customer care email address. Then on the right-hand side of this top bar, you will see the profile link. If you click on that link you can see your dashboard.

And I’m getting the logout option because I am already logged into this website. If you’re not already logged in, you will get another option, a login option or a register option. If you click on the profile we’ll see what happens. Later on, we’ll see you will see your dashboard, front end dashboard. Then after that, you have your first section.

Now in this section as you can see, first of all, you have your main menu on the left-hand side you have your logo. You can change this thing and you can enter or place it in your logo. Then on the right-hand side, we have this simple but very beautiful and very useful menu. Then we have our first section. So basically every single website is divided into different sections.

As you can see, this is our first section. Then we have another section. This is our third section, then the fourth section. So every website, every single page on every single website in this world is divided into different sections. Now the first section we have over here is the simple slider.

So when you do it like this, as you can see, there are several slides available over here. And you can have different animations for all this text and buttons and everything. We also have some text over here like Best Industry Leaders Learn, Online courses, books, libraries, and Stores. So obviously you can enter any logo or any text over here. Now when you scroll down, you will see the next section, which is the popular courses section.

Instead of popular courses. If you want to showcase the latest courses or featured courses, obviously you can do that. Now here, these are the most popular courses on this website. And you can see by number, this course has 273 students. The second course has 63rd courses 54th course has 45 students enrolled in this course.

Now, very shortly I’ll show you what a single course page looks like. But before that, you can see this is a carousel. Before that, let’s see some other sections. Now, this is a number section or a counter section wherein you can show how many students you have on your website registered, and how many graduates, which means that how many students graduated from your website, how many countries reached, and how many courses were published. You can enter all those numbers over here.

Then when you scroll down you will see different categories like the back end, CSS, front end, general category, It, and Software. So based on the courses, we can create different categories and we can show them on the website on our home page. Then when you scroll down, you will see the latest news. So on this website, you will also see how to create different blocks and how to do blogging. So these are all the different blocks that you can create to generate some extra traffic on your website.

And, at the bottom, you will see your footer. Okay, so first of all you will see your logo at the top. I have deleted that logo, but you can see your logo at the top. Then we have your email address, your number, your social IDs, and some extra links over here. And at the bottom, if anyone wants to become an instructor, if they want to create their website, they can click on this link.

We’ll see what happens when anyone clicks on this link. But first of all, let’s go to the top and let’s see a single course. So let me open this course. As you can see, this is how the single course page will look if you scroll down. This is what it will look like.

Now, at the top, you have this section. First of all, you have the same section at the top, the top bar section. And after that, you have the main section. Now in this main section, you have your menu and after that, we have the category name. So this course falls under the Technology category.

Then when you scroll down, you will see the main course, the title of the course, the teacher or the instructor of the course, in which category this course falls, and how many reviews this course has. Now the price over here is free. So if you want you can create free courses, or if you want you can create paid courses. And, because we can create paid courses, we can also accept payments on our website. So we can directly accept credit card and debit card payments on our website.

We don’t have to redirect a person to some third-party website. You can simply accept all types of payments right on your website. Then when you scroll down, you will see this is the featured image of the course. And when you scroll down, you will see the overview of the course, like what you’re going to learn in this course. Then you can see the curriculum, how many sections and how many different lectures are available.

Then you will see the instructor. So if you want, you can also create a co-instructor course, which means that in a single course, there can be multiple instructors. And after that, you have the review, which is a very simple thing. Then when you scroll down, if someone wants to if they don’t like this course, they can go ahead and they can choose some other similar courses. On the right-hand side, you will see your sidebar.

So all the different categories, the latest course, some Google Ads. If you want to enter some Google Ads over here you can do that. And at the bottom also, it will give you some quick links, okay, so that you don’t have to scroll up. Over here, you can do it from the bottom as well. So this is what this single course looks like.

And, if someone wants to see any lecture, they can simply click on that lecture and they can see that lecture. If they want to take this course, they can click on the take this course button and they can take this course. And this is what the single lecture page looks like.

Let’s come back to the website. Now, let’s see the listing page. So if you click on Courses, you can see the complete list of courses that are available on your website. So as you can see all the different courses which are available on this website, and on the right-hand side, we also have this sorting option.

So if you want to filter these courses, like if you want to see only courses which fall under front end category or backend category or only free courses, if you want to see only free courses, you can tick Mark Free and click on Filter Results. Then you will see only free courses. Then after that, you have the Course category, the latest Course, and some Google Ads if you want to display them. Now, we’ll also be creating the blog page. So whatever blogs or posts we have created, you can see all of them over here.

Then after that, we have the About Page. Now for the About Page and Contact Page, you don’t even have to create this thing. I’ll simply give you a free template. You can simply click on that template and you can import this course, or you can import these pages, About Page and Contact Page for free. You don’t even have to create them.

So I’ll show you how that thing works. Then you have a Become a Teacher page. So whoever wants to become a teacher or an instructor on your website, can come over here, fill in this form, they can just click on Submit and they can just start teaching or creating courses on your website. So this is how this thing works. And if you click on Profile, let’s see what happens.

So here you can see how many courses you have applied for and how many courses you have owned and created. And if you have some money in your account, you can send a withdrawal request and everything. So all these options are available. And if you have completed any course, you can see the certificate of that course over here. I haven’t completed any course, so I don’t see anything.

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