how to promote your business or website by running ads on Instagram 

running Instagram ads: if you can increase Instagram followers and if you can sell any product on Instagram so in this article I will tell you about Instagram ads.

you learn how to run ads on Instagram and how you can promote your Instagram account. this is a very demanded skill in freelancing you can also sell these skills on Fiverr and freelance platforms. this is a very basic skill for any freelancer.

Running Instagram ads

so first open your Facebook account and go to ads manager. after opening ads manager. after this click on create an ad and select the traffic option because we promote our Instagram account and products. after selecting traffic click continue. after this enter your name and go next.

after this select your budget means how many rupees you spend on this ad and select your ad timing and date, create your audience, select your location ( city and country ), select audience age, select the gender, select manual placement, select only Instagram and remove Facebook and messenger, select an Instagram story, select your targeting device, select link click and go next.

after this enter your ad name, select Instagram page, select your format, select your image type, and publish your ads, enter your website URL, youtube channel link, product link, or Instagram account link, choose your call of action, select your tracking, and click publish.

To publish, ads you need to add some balance in the ads account you can easily add balance from your card.

benefits of running ads on Instagram

1. promotion of your Instagram account:

most peoples publish videos and photos on their Instagram accounts. by running ads on Instagram you can easily reach your videos and photos

2: boost your account:

if you want to boost your Instagram account you can run ads for boosting your profile and you can also promote any photo and videos by running ads. if your content looks good your profile gains more followers.

3: extra balance

if you run ads on your photo and video Instagram gives you more extra balance, for example, if you run an ad on your video and your total cost is 1000 rupees Instagram gives you 200 to 400 extra balance.

4. promote your products

if you run your store and you promote any product so you can try Instagram ads. Instagram ads are one of the best ways to promote your business.

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